performance-making// community archiving// collective practice


Alleged Lesbian Activities, 2016 Photo by Bear Hebert

Alleged Lesbian Activities, 2016 Photo by Bear Hebert


founder/core organizer

Last Call is a multiracial performance collective of queer artists, activists, and archivists in New Orleans, Louisiana that creates innovative, multi-platform performances and events to document and interpret neglected queer history in New Orleans and nationally, creating connections between those who lived this history and those who have much at stake if it is forgotten. These events conjure up an intergenerational gathering place where community is built and the movement for queer liberation is carried forward.

In addition to performance, there are four interwoven components to Last Call: (1) a digital archive of oral history interviews; (2) a podcast series to cull these interviews into rich half-hour stories; (3) community events that bring together queer people across lines of race, class, gender-identity and generational difference; and (4) a volunteer run next-generation support system for queer elders. We are committed to building performance work rooted in multiracial collaboration and intergenerational exchange, and as such, we work under the accountability of an advisory board of elders and our community.