my mouth is a queer time machine is a celebration of the links and the tensions between queer generations. It is writing backwards in order to imagine a queer future; it is a radical claim that queerness is about the essential simultaneity of the past and the future; it is the collision of what has been and what we imagine can be that happens in our bodies.
This first iteration includes18 1-minute videos by students and faculty in the Carnegie Mellon University School of Drama in homage to queer forbearers arranged on an interactive website.
created by Lyam Gabel, Jean-Luc DeLadurantaye, and Joseph Amodei
sound and music by Padra Cristafulli, Daniel Ocanto, and Josh Brown
with works by
Adil Mansoor in homage to Félix González-Torres (1957-1996)
Joseph Amodei in homage to DIVA TV (1989)
Gaby Fonsca in homage to Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695)
Maggie McGrann in homage to Virginia Wolfe (1882-1941)
André Segar in homage to Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
Miller Kraps in homage to Thomas Lyle Williams Sr. (1896-1976)
Lyam Gabel in homage to Lou Sullivan (1951-1991)
Lily Liberman in homage to Maelene Dietrich (1901-1992)
Kaiti Barta in homage to Brenda Howard (1946-2005)
Carey Xu in homage to Cynthia Nixon (1966-)
Jem Tepe in homage to Greer Lankton (1958-1996)
Kim Weild in homage to Charlotte Cushman (1816-1876)
Hannah Gluvna in homage to Lily and Lana Wachowski (1965- and 1967-)
Liggera Edmonds-Allen in homage to The Public Universal Friend (1752-1819)
Peter Andreson in homage to James Baldwin (1947-1985)
Rick Edinger in homage to Tseng Kwong Chi (1950-1990)
Tomé Cousin in homage to Sylvester (1957-1988)